Potty training is a tricky thing. You want to teach your baby to use the toilet, but you also want to protect their clothing (and your furniture, the floor, the car seat…). The Pull Ups Training Pants are diapers that feel like underwear, or maybe they are underwear that behaves like diapers. This diapers deal comes with 4 packs of 42 diapers, which come to 168 pairs of training pants all together. Like underwear, these diapers can be pulled up and down, but like a diaper, they have sides that open with Velcro for easy checking by parents or caregivers. If there is an accident, the diapers have maximum absorbency and leak protection. And since they open on the sides, if there is an especially messy accident, you can remove the diaper without having to drag the mess down your baby’s legs, making things worse. They have extra protection where it would be appropriate for boys (in the front) or girls (at the bottom). The diapers are patterned with bright and colorful Disney Characters. If the diaper is wet, the characters fade. This is designed to be a teaching tool for little ones. They learn that when they stay dry, they keep the characters bright. The Pull ups come in size 4T and 5T. 168 should last you through potty training. This is such a great deal on diapers.